Day At The Beach pop-up card: Instructions 05/05 Super-detailed instructions on how to assemble the Day At The Beach Pop-up Card, sold at my shop. Final part 05: Adding the blanket, the hidden note, the beach ball and sealing the
Day At The Beach pop-up card: Instructions 04/05 Super-detailed instructions on how to assemble the Day At The Beach Pop-up Card, sold at my shop. Part 04: Adding the fun stuff - palm tree and beach
Day At The Beach pop-up card: Instructions 03/05 Super-detailed instructions on how to assemble the Day At The Beach Pop-up Card, sold at my shop. Part 03: Making
Day At The Beach pop-up card: Instructions 02/05 Super-detailed instructions on how to assemble the Day At The Beach Pop-up Card, sold at my shop. Part 02: Making the envelope and the card's
Day At The Beach pop-up card: Instructions 01/05 Super-detailed instructions on how to assemble the Day At The Beach Pop-up Card, sold at my shop. Part 01: Materials & Tools, Preparations - Start