Starting out with acrylic painting
A year ago, after many years of being creative mostly on the computer, using design software, and only sporadically drawing and doodling in my sketchbooks, last year I started a journey back into art. I started out with colored pencils and aquarelle (watercolor) pencils, and then got into watercolours.

I am an autodidact, and tend to research everything I go into. And so I have found my own way thanks to the wonderful world of the web. I’ve been watching many tutorials and artists at work, read many blog posts, and bit by bit, and with lots of practice, came to my own conclusions of what works for me. Unfortunately, I haven’t documented my journey to learning and understanding watercolours.
In the last few days, just as I’m starting to feel I’ve gotten the hang of the watercolours, I felt a strong urge to try out Acrylics. I will attempt to document my journey here, with my painting attempts and my conclusions.