Artwork: Hibiscus circular calligraphy Mixed media piece featuring a Hibiscus flower, surrounded by a message of love and support in calligraphy
Close up Calligraphy writing: Tolstoy quote Close up writing of one of my very favorite quotes from Anna Karenina by Tolstoy - a video
Learning Copperplate: My Progress in 20 Days From day #1 to day #20 - It's incredible how much you can improve with
Learning Copperplate Calligraphy: Connecting the letters How do you connect the letters in Copperplate? Join me for a practice session in which I talk us through all the possible connections, in this 6-part video
Learning Copperplate Calligraphy: 10 things I learned in 10 days Video playlist going over what I have learned in my first 10 days of practicing Copperplate calligraphy script. Learn from my
Bite-size tip: RGB for home printers Digital home printers are set to RGB mode, not CMYK. Keep your files in RGB color
Creative Process: Flowers Make Me Happy I love looking at, and learning from, other people's creative process. I thought I would share mine. This is a painting done with watercolors, ink and watercolor pencils, on watercolor paper. I think it could be a good
Parker IM & Sailor HighAce Neo: Fountain pen review I'm a fountain pen novice, my pens are intended mainly for drawing and also combined with watercolors. I'm a life-long ink waster, forever fascinated by the way the ink flows and gets absorbed into the paper.